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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Taeyeon [SNSD] - Love, That One World [Ost. You're All Surrounded]

Amudo moreuge najocha moreuge
Eonjebuteoinji geudaega nae mame
Eojedo nunmuri oneuldo nunmuri heulleo
Gogaereul sugin chaero nan geudael bonae
Sarangeun geureoke geudaega moreuge
Amu iyu eobsi geudaereul nae mame
Hollo ireoke imal doenoeimyeo uneun
Nareul geudaeneun aneunji
Neon nae ane geuryeonoheun hanmadi
Neul naeane sumgyeowatdeon hanmadi
Geudaereul barabogo inneunde neul gyeote inneunde
Sarang geu hanmadiman motae
Eonjena nae yeope geudaeman nae yeope
Isseo dallan mareun ajikdo nae ane
Hollo ireoke imal doenoeimyeo uneun
Nareul geudaeneun aneunji
Neon nae ane geuryeonoheun hanmadi
Neul nae ane sumgyeowatdeon hanmadi
Geudaereul barabogo inneunde neul gyeote inneunde
Sarang geu hanmadiman motae
Nae gaseumi haneun mal
Naboda neol saranghae neol saranghae haejugo sipeunde
Neon nae ane geuryeonoheun hanmadi
Neul nae ane sumgyeowatdeon hanmadi
Geudaereul barabogo inneunde neul gyeote inneunde
Sarang geu hanmadiman motae

Description: Taeyeon [SNSD] - Love, That One World [Ost. You're All Surrounded] Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Taeyeon [SNSD] - Love, That One World [Ost. You're All Surrounded]

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Khasiat Air "MILAGROS"

Begitu banyak kisah yang menyebutkan tentang khasiat Air Zam-Zam bagi kesehatan. Oleh banyak pihak hal ini disinyalir sebagai sebuah sugesti yang tersiar. Namun mengingat semakin maraknya kabar mengenai hal ini, maka hal ini mengundang banyak ketertarikan pakar kesehatan untuk melakukan penelitian secara ilmiah tentang fenomena ini. Mereka berlomba-lomba untuk mengetahui tentang apa-apa saja yang terkandung di dalam Air Zam-Zam.
Dari banyak penelitian yang dilakukan para ahli, disebutkan bahwa kandungan mineral pada Air Zam-Zam bersifat  sangat basa (Super Alkali) dimana hal ini sangat efektif untuk menyeimbangkan kadar asam yang berlebih di dalam tubuh, sehingga dapatlah dipahami secara ilmiah tentang "mengapa Air Zam-Zam memiliki manfaat yang besar bagi kesehatan”.

Berikut ini beberapa manfaat Alkali :
Meningkatkan power sampai 100% secara instan.
Sebagai anti oksidan dan menetralisir radikal bebas yang merusak sel dalam tubuh.
Sebagai zat yang kaya akan Hidrogen dan Mineral.
Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh/imunitas tubuh.
Membuang racun/toksin dalam tubuh.
Memperlancar penyerapan nutrisi dalam tubuh.
Mengatasi gangguan kulit, alergi, proriasis, dan penuaan dini.
Membantu menstabilkan tekanan darah.
Meringankan sembelit (konstipasi), maag dan gangguan pencernaan lainnya.
Mengatasi nyeri sendi, asam urat, kejang otot, dan kelelahan.
Mengatasi nyeri ulu hati, mual, tekanan darah tinggi.
Mengatasi migrain, kegemukan, dan keropos tulang.
Menyembuhkan kanker, infeksi, peradangan, dan kencing manis.
Meningkatkan stamina dan vitalitas tubuh.
Meningkatkan rasa serta aroma makanan dan minuman.

Mengingat arti penting dari fenomena inilah kini Grahasolution menghadirkan MILAGROS. MILAGROS adalah Super Stable Alkaline dengan pH 9.8; Strength Anti-oxidant (-350mV); Powerful Scalar Energy; Ionized Mineral Organic Form (TDS 40ppm); dan diperkaya oksigen dengan molekul air (5-6) yang sangat mudah diserap oleh tubuh. MILAGROS mampu meningkatkan power, mengeluarkan racun, menurunkan dan menangkal radikal bebas, meningkatkan kadar basa, serta membantu meningkatkan kadar oksigen dalam tubuh kita, sehingga mengkonsumsi MILAGROS setiap hari dapat menjaga kesehatan, mengoptimalkan fungsi organ tubuh, mempercepat proses penyembuhan, mencegah penuaan dini dan menjaga berat badan ideal.

MILAGROS dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu untuk terapi penyembuhan beberapa penyakit, antara lain: Kolesterol, Stroke, Darah Tinggi, Jantung, Asam Urat, dan Gagal Ginjal, Tumor, Kanker, dan lain-lain.

Berikut ini adalah pendapat para ahli tentang arti penting Air Alkali bagi kesehatan.

Dr. Don Colbert MD, Penulis “The Seven Pillars of Health”
“Saat pasien-pasien kanker datang ke kantor saya untuk memulai perawatan nutrisi, tubuh mereka hampir selalu bersifat asam. Tugas pertama saya adalah mengalkalinasi dengan air alkali. Saya mempunyai banyak pasien osteoarthritis yang telah bebas dari rasa sakit dalam beberapa bulan setelah menyesuaikan pH air seni mereka 7,0 – 7,5 hanya dengan meminum air alkali dan makan makanan alkali dalam jumlah yang cukup, akibatnya banyak yang mampu melepaskan obat-obatan anti peradangan mereka. Saya menggunakan saringan air alkali di rumah dan kantor saya. Menurut pendapat saya, saringan air alkali adalah salah satu jenis saringan air yang terbaik karena tubuh kita tumbuh paling subur dalam lingkungan alkali yang membantu sistem tubuh kita berfungsi pada tingkat optimum”.

Dr. Theodore Baroody, Penulis “Alkalize or Die”
“Saya telah memberikan lebih dari 5000 galon air alkali untuk berbagai kondisi kesehatan yang ada. Saya percaya bahwa pemulihan yang disebabkan oleh air alkali membawa keuntungan bagi setiap orang. Tumor, kanker tidak dapat hidup dalam keadaan air alkali. Semua pasien-pasien kanker sebaiknya diberikan air alkali, kita sebaiknya selalu minum air alkali agar tubuh kita tidak menyediakan lingkungan yang cocok bagi tumor dan kanker untuk hidup”.

Dr. Susan Lark, Dosen & Penulis “Chemistry of Success” 
“Dengan mengkonsumsi 4 sampai 6 gelas air alkali per hari akan membantu menetralisir kelebihan asam dan membantu memulihkan kembali daya tahan tubuh. Air alkali sangat baik digunakan saat tubuh mengalami kelebihan keasaman tubuh seperti saat demam, flu atau bronkhitis. Seperti vitamin A, C, E dan Beta Carotene, air alkali bertindak sebagai anti oksidan karena mampu mensuplai elektron bebas. Hal ini dapat membantu tubuh mengatasi penyakit jantung, stroke, penurunan kekebalan tubuh dan penyakit lainnya”.

Sang Whang, Pengarang Buku : Reverse Aging (Melawan Penuaan)
“Sisa pembakaran harus dikeluarkan dari tubuh kita, secara alamiah tubuh berusaha mengeluarkan sisa pembakaran/racun melalui urine dan keringat. Semua sisa pembakaran adalah bersifat asam : Itu sebabnya urine itu terasa asam dan lapisan luar kulit juga rasa asam. Masalahnya tubuh kita tidak dapat mengeluarkan 100% sisa pembakaran /racun/asam yang dihasilkannya”.

BPOM RI MD 265210001099

Description: Khasiat Air "MILAGROS" Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Khasiat Air "MILAGROS"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Girls Generation - Mr. Mr. Vers.Japan [LIRYK]

Taeyeon] Let’s go ai wo ozorete
Zutto kimunai furi wa
[Seohyun] Naze saguri-saguride
Oh oh uh oh oh uh

[Sunny] Nee~ haruka naru yume no kanata
[YoonA] Mayoi fuan mo kieru senaka
[Jessica] Tsuite ikitainoni
You’re bad bad bad boy you so bad

[All] saigo no koi de iino
Mr. Mr. (Yuri : motto)
Mr. Mr. (Yuri : kotoba nado)
[All] saisho no ai ga iino
Mr. Mr. (Tiffany : mitsumetara)
Mr. Mr. (Tiffany : kagayaku eyes)

[Taeyeon] Anata shita i nai sekai kono hoshii wo Mr.Mr
[Tiffany] Anata kara
[Seohyun] wakarou hazu
[SeoFany] souno imiga Mr.Mr

[Jessica] Why not? sagashita ai wa
Zutto koko ni aru noni
[Tiffany] Ima shinjitte hoshii
Oh oh uh oh oh oh uh

[Sunny] Mirai no tobira hiraku kagiwa
[Sooyoung] Tsuna i datte to karara miatta
[Yuri] Yumi moyo eganki wo
My Mi-Mi-Mister Rock This World

[All]saigo no koi de iino Mr. Mr.
(Hyoyeon : motto) Mr. Mr. (Hyoyeon : tai no detto)
[All]saisho no ai ga iino Mr. Mr.
(Sunny : mitsumetara) Mr. Mr. (Sunny : himitsu no eyes)

[Tiffany] Anata shita i nai sekai kono hoshii wo Mr.Mr
[Jessica] Anata kara
[Sunny] wakarou hazu
[SunSica] souno imiga Mr.Mr

1 2 3 4 Hey Hey Hey Hey
[Sooyoung] Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
[SoonA] Nee~ ima ija (Taeyeon : natta wa)
[SoonA] Koi suru nante (Taeyeon : hontou no)
[SoonA] Mou dekinai wa (Taeyeon : anata ni naru)
[SoonA] Mr.Mr (Taeyeon :Mister)

[HyoYul] Sakara inai wa (Tiffany : Dekitsu ite)
[HyoYul] Unmei no (Tiffany : Hikari no wa domashite eh)
[HyoYul] Yaa~ Fumidashite futari mirai(Tiffany : Mister)

[All] saigo no koi de iino Mr. Mr.
(Jessica : motto) Mr. Mr. (Jessica : kotoba nado)
[All] saisho no ai ga iino Mr. Mr.
(Hyoyeon : mitsumetara) Mr. Mr. (Hyoyeon : kagayaku eyes)

[Seohyun] Anata shita i nai sekai kono hoshii wo Mr.Mr
[Taeyeon] Anata kara wakarou hazu souno imiga Mr.Mr

Description: Girls Generation - Mr. Mr. Vers.Japan [LIRYK] Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Girls Generation - Mr. Mr. Vers.Japan [LIRYK]

Friday, May 2, 2014

Super Junior_M - Swing [LIRYK]

6aho.jpg (500×558)
3rd Mini Album Super Junior-M

Hey, Mr.! ttaega on geoya geuman ireona Hey!
ja, kkaeeona donggureul heomulgo seulseul ne jonjaeleul deureonae
Maria! sigye bojima gidaliji ma Oh!
an ol sarangingeol almyeonseo wae mos nwa geuman tteoreojyeonagage dwo

Shall We Dance mureupeul teolgo jumeogeul jwieo
Shall We Dance apassdeon nare ulkeoghandaedo
on momeul gwantonghal i noraega jumuni doel teni

urin i eumage majchwo modu da ijgo ja, Swing Never Never Give Up! Swing
urin i eumage majchwo modu da ijgo ja, Swing Never Never Give Up! Swing
i bwa! heomhan sesang geobnaebwassja du bal araeya
urin i eumage majchwo modu da ijgo ja, Swing Never Never Give Up! Hey!
Hey~ Yeah~ (Swing) Hey Yeah~

Uno dos tres
geulsse, museun mari pilyohalkka geunyang nunbiche damado da ara
So Relax, Be Cool nae gyeoteseo deo dodboige haejulge
nan nega pogihaessdeon seutebdo gyesandoen chumin geoscheoreom hal su isseo
So Relax, Be Cool nae gyeoteseo neon jeulgigiman hamyeon dwae
ijjima. nalmada nuguna cheoeumeul sara huhoedo issdan geol

urin i eumage majchwo modu da ijgo ja, Swing Never Never Give Up! Swing
urin i eumage majchwo modu da ijgo ja, Swing Never Never Give Up! Swing
i bwa! heomhan sesang geobnaebwassja du bal araeya
urin i eumage majchwo modu da ijgo ja, Swing Never Never Give Up!

swibge meomchujineun ma ajig nollagin ireungeol
yeongwon gateun jigeum i sungan Dance With Me Tonight, Just Swing
Swing, My Babe! Tonight

urin i eumage majchwo modu da ijgo ja, Swing Never Never Give Up! Swing
urin i eumage majchwo modu da ijgo ja, Swing Never Never Give Up! Swing
geobwa! dadeul neoman jusihaneun giuneul neukkyeo
sesang da boran deusi ja, uttug seobeolyeo Swing Never Never Give Up! Hey!
Hey~ Yeah~ Swing Hey Yeah~ Swing Never Never Give Up!
Hey~ Yeah~ Swing Hey Yeah~ Swing Never Never Give Up! Swing!

Description: Super Junior_M - Swing [LIRYK] Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Super Junior_M - Swing [LIRYK]

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Idina Menzel - Let It Go 'Ost Frozen' [LIRYK]

Let-IT-go-Disney-660x330.jpg (660×330)

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight,
not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried.
Don't let them in, don't let them see.
Be the good girl you always have to be.
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know.
Well, now they know!
Let it go, let it go!
Can't hold it back any more.
Let it go, let it go!
Turn away and slam the door.
I don't care what they're going to say.
Let the storm rage on.
The cold never bothered me anyway.
It's funny how some distance,
makes everything seem small.
And the fears that once controlled me, can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do,
to test the limits and break through.
No right, no wrong, no rules for me.
I'm free!
Let it go, let it go.
I am one with the wind and sky.
Let it go, let it go.
You'll never see me cry.
Here I'll stand, and here I'll stay.
Let the storm rage on.
My power flurries through the air into the ground.
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back; the past is in the past!
Let it go, let it go.
And I'll rise like the break of dawn.
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand, in the light of day.
Let the storm rage on!
The cold never bothered me anyway...

Description: Idina Menzel - Let It Go 'Ost Frozen' [LIRYK] Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Idina Menzel - Let It Go 'Ost Frozen' [LIRYK]

Super Junior-M 'SWING' 3rd Mini Album

Full Single 3rd Mini Album 'Super Junior-M'

01.  Swing
02.  Fly High
03.  My Love For You
04.  Strong
05.  Addiction

06.  After A MinutE

Description: Super Junior-M 'SWING' 3rd Mini Album Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Super Junior-M 'SWING' 3rd Mini Album

Soundtrack 'FROZEN (2013)'

1.    Frozen Heart - Cast of Frozen
2.    Do You Want to Build a Snowman? - Kristen Bell, Agatha Lee Monn, & Katie Lopez
3.    For the First Time in Forever - Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel
4.    Love is an Open Door - Kristen Bell and Santino Fontana
5.    Let It Go – Indina Menzel
6.    Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People - Jonathan Groff 
7.    In Summer - Josh Gad 
8.    For the First Time in Forever (Reprise) - Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel
9.    Fixer Upper - Cast of Frozen 
10. Let It Go – Demi Lovato  [single version]
11. Vuelie - Christophe Beck 
12. Elsa and Anna - Christophe Beck
13. The Trolls - Christophe Beck 
14. Coronation Day - Christophe Beck
15. Heimr Àrnadalr - Christophe Beck 
16. Winter's Waltz - Christophe Beck
17. Sorcery - Christophe Beck 
18. Royal Pursuit - Christophe Beck
19. Onward and Upward - Christophe Beck 
20. Wolves - Christophe Beck
21. The North Mountain - Christophe Beck 
22. We Were So Close - Christophe Beck
23. Marshmallow Attack! - Christophe Beck 
24. Conceal, Don't Feel - Christophe Beck
25. Only an Act of True Love - Christophe Beck 
26. Summit Siege - Christophe Beck
27. Return to Arendelle - Christophe Beck 
28. Treason - Christophe Beck
29. Some People Are Worth Melting For - Christophe Beck 
30. Whiteout - Christophe Beck
31. The Great Thaw (Vuelie Reprise) - Christophe Beck 
32. Epilogue - Christophe Beck

Description: Soundtrack 'FROZEN (2013)' Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Soundtrack 'FROZEN (2013)'

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Girls Generation [SNSD] - Cheap Creeper [LIRYK]

Soundtrack Movie 'BOA': Make Your Move 

[Jessica] Oh~ You just a... 

[Tiffany] You only wear cologne that comes in the sample size
Your watch says Rolex, but I know you bought it from some guy on Fifth Street
Who also sells fake IDs, can't trick me

I've seen it all before you see

[Seohyun] You drive an Audi that you rented from Alamo
You got the hook-up from your cousin who's the regional manager on weekdays

She gave it to you for one night for free
Don't you wish you drove it in real life?

[Taeyeon] You want to make a Trump-kind of money
When you're really just a 26 year old chump living with your mommy

[All] You can say what you got to say

But all I see, is that you're just a Cheap Creeper
Sneaky eyes, That don't know how to hide

The truth I see, is that you're just a Cheap Creeper

[Sunny] Cheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap Creeper
Cheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap Creeper

[Jessica] I see you sitting in the corner trying to act smooth
Behind your dark sunglasses watching every move
I'm making, can almost feel your hands on me

So sick babe, the way you just... ([All] Creep creep)

[Sunny/Sooyoung] You're acting like you're Justin Timberlake
When all you are is just a fake guy living with your Mommy (Mommy)

[All] You can say what you got to say

But all I see, is that you're just a Cheap Creeper ([Tiffany] Oh, you're just a cheap creeper) 
Sneaky eyes, That don't know how to hide ([Tiffany] That don't know how to hide)

The truth I see, is that you're just a Cheap Creeper ([Tiffany] Just a cheap creeper) 

[Tiffany] Cheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap Creeper ([Sunny] You're just, just)
Cheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap Creeper ([Sunny] Cheap Creeper)

[Sunny/Yoona] Couldn't even buy me a drink if you wanted to
Don't keep acting like you think I'm into you
[Tiffany] Let me spell it out, so you don't go and get confused
Not a chance in hell, no, no no ([All] Creep, creep] 

[Seohyun] Just Cheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap Creeper
Cheap Cheap, Cheap, Cheap Creeper ([Tiffany] Cheap Creeper)

[Tiffany] Oh~ 

[All] You can say what you got to say ([Jessica] What you got to say yeah)

But all I see, is that you're just a Cheap Creeper ([Jessica] Just a cheap creeper) 
Sneaky eyes, That don't know how to hide

Description: Girls Generation [SNSD] - Cheap Creeper [LIRYK] Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Girls Generation [SNSD] - Cheap Creeper [LIRYK]